Articles, Links, and Resources…
“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”
– Winston Churchill

An article by Sue Johnson, the developer of Emotionally-Focused Therapy for couples
Informative site about EFT for the general public
The Handbook of Attachment by Cassidy & Shaver (Eds.)
The Gottman Institute – an important research organization closely allied with the EFT approach to couples therapy
The official website of the International Center for Excellence in Emotionally-Focused Therapy for Couples
The New England Community for EFT – Includes a Directory of other EFT-trained therapists in New England
Website for Irene Oudyk-Suk – EFT-trained therapist in Toronto, Canada
Website for Susannah Muller – EFT-trained therapist in San Diego, CA
TIME article titled “How the Brain Re-wires Itself”
Website of the cognitive scientist Joseph LeDoux, at NYU
Website of the neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, at USC
Website of the neurologist and consciousness researcher V.S. Ramachandran, at UCal-San Diego
Psychiatrist Dan Siegel’s website on Interpersonal Neurobiology
The Healing Power of Emotion edited by Diana Fosha, Dan Siegel, and Marion Solomon
The Neuroscience of Human Relationships: Attachment and the Developing Social Brain by Louis Cozolino, Ph.D.
The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force by Jeffrey Schwartz, M.D.
The Hypnotic Brain: Hypnotherapy and Social Communication by Peter Brown, M.D.
The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Building and Re-building the Brain by Louis Cozolino, Ph.D.
Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain by Antonio Damasio, M.D.
Social Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
Gestalt therapy constitutes a large, diverse field of opinion and practice. Below are a few places to get a general introduction:
An introduction to Gestalt therapy by Gary Yontef
The Gestalt International Study Center
Diana Fosha’s book The Transforming Power of Affect, gives an excellent feel for what much of contemporary Gestalt therapy looks like in practice.
Graduate Program in Holistic Counseling, Salve Regina University
The Milton H. Erickson Foundation
I have a long list of highly skilled colleagues, supervisees, and former students at work in New England and other regions around the country and world. If I can’t work with you myself, chances are I can help you find a good match.